
Prof. Francesc Robusté  

Francesc Robusté is Professor of Transportation since 2002. Dr. Civil Engineer by the Technical University of Catalonia at Barcelona (BarcelonaTech, UPC, 1989), Ph.D. in Engineering (1988), MSc in Operations Research (1987), and MEng in Transportation (1986) by the University of California at Berkeley, MEng in Civil Engineering (1983). Director of the Abertis endowed Chair on transportation infrastructure management in Spain since 2003. President of the Spanish Transportation Engineering Society (FIT, Foro de la Ingeniería del Transporte, 2005-2014). Director of CENIT, the research Center for Innovation in Transport at BarcelonaTech (2006-2013). Dean of the Civil Engineering School at Barcelona (2004-2007).


Coordinator of BIT (Barcelona Innovative Transportation) consolidated Research Group.  Member of the Editorial Board of the international journals Transportation Research A (1992-2000) and Ingeniería de Transporte (2007-now). Author of 365 publications, 36 papers in SCI journals such as Transportation Science, Transportation Research A, B, C and E, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Transportmetrica, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, etc., 51 books and book chapters and 207 papers in congresses (109 international). Advisor of 16 PhD theses, and 107 graduating and master’s theses. Research impact metrics in 2014: h=13, i10=19, citations=516. Holds four 6-year stretches (24 years) of international quality research based on SCI papers. Director of 20 Ph D Thesis and 131 graduating thesis. Has been awarded several prizes for research papers (ASCE 1988, and CRTM 2010), in international ideas contests (1992), to technology innovation (1993) and for PhD thesis advising (1994, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2016) and graduating thesis advising (1999). Spanish representative in the OECD-ECMT Joint Transport Research Center (International Transport Forum, 2004-2013). Expert of the Global Research Network on Human Settlements’ Advisory Board de UN-Habitat 2011-2013), European Parliament (2009-10), and the World Bank (Logistics, since 2012). 

Francesc Robusté’s research lines: urban mobility, layout and operations in public transportation and airports, logistics and traffic management and pricing.


José Magín Campos, PhD      

Dr. Civil Engineer by the Technical University of Catalonia at Barcelona, Civil Engineer by Universidad de Cantabria, specialist Construction, Organization and Management. Holds an e-Logistics Master and a Master in Supply Chain Management, Master in Shipping Business and a post-graduate course in road safety in municipalities. He is a lecturer in Civil Engineering School and in Nautical Faculty of Barcelona. He was project manager in Centre d’innovació del Transport (2004-2013), CENIT and head the Infrastructure, Transportation and Territory Department. Awarded with Dragados and Uralita Awards related to Civil Engineering.

Magin Campos’s research lines: traffic congestion, urban goods Distribution and logistic centers.


Miquel Estrada, PhD        

Miquel Estrada is associate professor of transportation in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at UPC-BarcelonaTech.  He is currently responsible for the KIC Mobilus  (EIT) project activities on behalf of UPC and Academic Board member of CARNET (consortium between UPC Barcelona TECH and Volkswagen Group). He was the Assistant Director of Master Degrees in the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering, Head of Studies of the Master in Civil Engineering during 2012-2020.

Dr. Estrada holds a PhD degree in Civil Engineering (UPC-BarcelonaTech, 2008) and  he has approved 2 periods of 6 year-research activity (sexenios). His research interests embrace three disciplines: city logistics, public transportation (transit) and on-demand transportation systems. Dr. Estrada has published 24 papers in indexed SCI journals (9 of them belonging to the first quartile) like Transportation Research Part A, B, C, E and Omega. He is author of 92 scientific contributions in congresses, symposiums and seminars; director of 3 doctoral theses and 40 master theses. He was awarded with the 5th Abertis Research Prize in Transport (2008) for his doctoral thesis. He received a postdoctoral visiting scholar position in 2008 at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, New York) with the professor José Holguín, and the City University of New York under the supervision of Professor Robert Paaswell.

Dr. Estrada was the Head of Public Transportation division in the Center for Innovation in Transport, CENIT (2003-2016), where he carried out research projects and technology transferability activities for private companies and institutions involved in transportation and mobility. He has directed or participated in more than 50 R+D+i projects, 10 of national public calls and 7 in European projects (FPVII-H2020-HEurope).

Miquel Estrada’s research lines: public transportation, logistics, freight transport.


Francesc Soriguera, PhD       

Francesc Soriguera is associate professor of transportation in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at UPC-BarcelonaTech. He is the academic coordinator of the Master's degree in Supply Chain, Transport and Mobility Management, and responsible for the teaching of 3 courses at master level and 1 at undergraduate level. Prof. Soriguera is PhD in Civil Engineering (UPC-BarcelonaTech, 2010), and holds postgraduate diplomas in Management of Port Operations, Management of Public Works, and Private Management of infrastructures (2004-2006). He has received two visiting scholar appointments at the University of California, Berkeley (2007, hosted by prof. C.F. Daganzo; and 2012 hosted by Prof. M. Cassidy) and another one at TØI, the Institute of Transportation Economics – Norwegian Center for Transport Research (2015).

Prof. Soriguera research works deal with the analysis, management and optimization of traffic flows, urban mobility and transportation operations in general, and have been published in the most prestigious journals in the field, like Transportation Research Part A, Part B and Part C, Transportmetrica, IEEE Transactions on ITS and Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. One of these papers appeared in the ScienceDirect TOP25 list of most downloaded papers in its category (rank #11). He has also published a monography in Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, has collaborated in two book chapters (one for OECD publishing), and has participated in more than 50 conferences, seminars and courses at national and international levels. He has directed three PhD thesis (obtaining an honorable mention in the Abertis research awards) and directed more than 25 MSc theses (90% graded above 9/10 and one awarded as the best MSc thesis of the year in the transportation research field).

Prof. Soriguera has received several awards for his works, including, the Abertis Research Prize in Management of Transportation Infrastructures (awarded to the best yearly research contribution in the field), the UPC-BarcelonaTech outstanding Ph.D. award (which recognizes the theses with the highest scientific productivity), the Young Researcher Award (CIT conference 2012), and he was shortlisted in the prestigious International Transport Forum Young Researcher Award 2014 (OECD).

Prof. Soriguera current research interests include the improvement of freeway traffic with the presence of autonomous and connected vehicles and vehicle sharing schemes in urban mobility.

Francesc Soriguera research lines: traffic, travel time information.


Manel Grifoll, PhD      

Manel Grifoll is associate professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at UPC-BarcelonaTech. Manel Grifoll received his PhD in Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia - BarcelonaTech. He was a pre-doctoral fellowship at Atzti-Tecnalia (Basque Conutry) and has been involved at different research and university centers such as US Geological Survey (Woods Hole, USA), Dansih Hydraulic Institute (Lyngby, Denmark), Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Maputo, Mozambique) and Universidade do Save (Maxixe, Mozambique). His research area involves maritime transport, port management and engineering and physical processes at coastal areas. Some of his currently topics are Ship Weather Routing using multi-objectives algorithms and Data Science techniques for the investigation of port traffic evolution and forecasting. He combines his research and teaching activity at the Technical University of Catalonia with academic projects at developing countries. He has been task responsible of several national and international competitive projects related with port engineering, transportation and marine sciences (e.g. Ceaseless, Field_AC). Co-author of 55 papers in international indexed journals and more than 110 contributions at symposium and conferences. Research advisor of 15 MSc students and 6 PhD students. Currently, he is Vice-dean of International Relations and Research of the Barcelona Nautical School of the Technical University of Catalonia – BarcelonaTech.

Manel Grifoll research lines: Port management and Maritime Transportation, Applied Marine Science and Engineering.

Margarita Martínez-Díaz, PhD     

 Margarita Martínez-Díaz is associate professor in the area of Transport Engineering and Infrastructure of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at UPC-BarcelonaTech. She is also a yearly visiting professor and responsible for the optional subject “Straßenverkehrstechnik” (Traffic Engineering) at the Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal in Germany. Before joining the UPC, Prof. Martínez-Díaz combined her position as Adjunct Assistant Professor at the School of Civil Engineering of the University of A Coruña (UDC) in Spain with her professional activities in 2 international construction companies.

Prof. Martínez-Díaz graduated from the UDC with the support of the UPC and the Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, where she performed several research stays. Her PhD, titled “Highway travel time information systems: from traditional to cooperative driving environments”, was rated as “Sobresaliente cum Laude with international mention” and awarded with both the International and the National Abertis Transport Infrastructure Management Award.

Prof. Martínez-Díaz lines of research focus on active traffic management, specially travel time information systems and connected and automated driving. She performed a postdoctoral research stay at the Technical University of Munich hosted by Prof. Antoniou, head of the Transportation Systems Engineering (TSE) research group and granted by the DAAD. As a result, she has just opened new lines of research that analyze the influence of the human factor on mobility. In this context, she coordinates the Horizon Europe project CulturalRoad as well as the international Project "Women in Urban Mobility" (EIT Urban Mobility) on behalf of the UPC. Prof. Martínez Díaz has published part of her research in prestigious journals in the field, like Transportation Research Part B or IEEE Transactions on ITS among others. She has also participated in several competitive research projects and international and national congresses and workshops. Prof. Martínez-Díaz is member of several scientific organizations and of a topic board (Sustainability journal), reviewer of more than 15 indexed scientific journals and communicator on mobility issues on a Spanish radio program (Onda Cero).

Margarita Martínez-Díaz research lines: dynamic traffic management; travel time information; cooperative driving; human perceptions, attitudes and behavior linked to mobility; gender perspective in mobility; mobility equity.

Hugo Badia, PhD     

Hugo Badia is Assistant Professor of Transportation and Serra Hunter Fellow in the Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering at UPC-BarcelonaTech. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering (UPC-
BarcelonaTech, 2016) with international mention due to his visits at TU Delft (2014, hosted by Associate
Prof Van Nes) and UC Berkeley (2015, hosted by Prof Daganzo). He was a postdoc and associate
researcher in the Division of Transport Planning at KTH-Royal Institute of Technology (2017-2021) and
previously a researcher at Centre for Innovation on Transport - CENIT (2009-2012).
His research is focused on design and operation of public transport networks, on-demand services and
micromobility solutions, and the evaluation of the impact of vehicle electrification and automation on the
transport system. Dr Badia has published several papers in SCI journals, in particular, in some of the most
prestigious ones such as Transportation Research Part A, B and C. He has participated in more than 20
national and international conferences, seminars and dissemination sessions. His PhD thesis was awarded
with the 14 th Abertis Prize in Management of Transport Infrastructure as the best thesis of the year 2016, his research with the Young Researcher Excellence Network Award of the Spanish Transport Engineering Forum (FIT, 2016), and he was finalist in the ITF-OECD Young Researcher of the Year Award (2014) with his contribution “Competitive transit network design in cities with radial street patterns”.

Dr Badia received different FPU fellowships from the Spanish Ministry of Education to fund the PhD and the
associated international visits.
Dr Badia has participated in 13 research projects from national (Spain and Sweden) and European calls
and others of high interest for public administrations. He has supervised one PhD thesis and several
Bachelor and Master theses. He is the UPC representative at the Doctoral Training Network (DTN)
associated to the program on Urban Mobility from the European Institute of Technology (EIT), and was
the responsible of the organization of the 3 rd DTN Annual Forum (2022). Dr Badia, together with
Associate Prof Jenelius (KTH), was in charge of the organization of the 8 th International Symposium on
Transport Network Reliability (INSTR, 2021). He was invited two times for a one-week visit by Prof
Leurent from Ecole des Ponts ParisTech-ENPC.
Hugo Badia research lines: public transport, urban mobility, and the impact of electric and automated
vehicles on the transport system.



 Summair Anis (University of Genoa, Italy)

PhD Students:

Clément Lemardelé: City logistics with autonomous vehicles

Masoud Reihanifar: smart airports

Enrique Jiménez: bike sharing Systems 

Seshadri Naik Moode: Platooning of Connected Autonomous Vehicles: Microscopic Modelling and Management strategies

Orlando Andrade: Bus network design

Huang Dong: Mult-port traffic analysys using data science

Angélica Caicedo: Bike network design

Mariana Montero: Fleet design for urban logistics

Grant holders:

Pau Cardona (Civil Engineering Master student). Demand Responsive Transport


Administrative issues:
