


Estrada, M., Mension, J., M.  Salicrú and H. Badia (2022). Charging operations in battery electric bus systems considering fleet size variability along the service. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 138, 103609. DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2022.103609 

Cardona, P. and Estrada, M. (2022). A general analytic model for demand responsive transport with heterogeneous demand. Working paper. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC Barcelona TECH


Estrada, M., Mension, J. and  M.  Salicrú (2021). Operation of transit corridors served by two routes: Physical design, synchronization, and control strategies. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 130, 103283. DOI: 10.1016/J.TRC.2021.103283.

Codina, E., B. Friedrich, F. Soriguera, and U. Crisalli. (2021), Modeling, simulation and evaluation of transport scenarios in the presence of innovative solutions, Transportation Letters. Vol. 13 (3), pp. 149 - 150.

Sala, M. and F. Soriguera. (2021). “Capacity of a freeway lane with platoons of autonomous vehicles mixed with regular traffic”. Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 147 pp. 116 – 131.

Soriguera, F. and M. Martínez-Díaz. (2021). “Freeway Travel Time Information from Input-Output Vehicle Counts: a Drift Correction Method Based on AVI Data”. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 22 (9), pp. 5749 - 5761.

Lemardelé, C., Estrada, M., Pagès, L., & Bachofner, M. (2021). Potentialities of drones and ground autonomous delivery devices for last-mile logistics. Transportation Research Part E, 149, 1366–5545.

Aquilué, I., A Caicedo, J Moreno, M Estrada and L. Pagès (2021). A Methodology for Assssing the Impact of Living Labs on Urban Design: The Case of the Furnish Project. Sustainability 13 (8), 4562. DOI:


Estrada, M.; Salanova, J.; Medina, M.; Robuste, F. (2020). Operational cost and user performance analysis of on-demand bus and taxis systems, Transportation Letters, 13 (3), 229-242, DOI: 10.1080/19427867.2020.1861507

Martínez-Díaz, M. and F. Soriguera. (2020). Short-term prediction of freeway travel times by fusing input-output vehicle counts and GPS tracking data. Transportation Letters. Vol. 13 (3), pp. 193-200

Sala, M. and F. Soriguera. (2020). “Lane-changing and freeway capacity: A Bayesian inference stochastic model” Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 35 (7), pp. 719-733

Soriguera, F. and E. Jiménez. (2020) “A continuous approximation model for the optimal design of public bike-sharing systems”. Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 52, 101826.


Grifoll, M.; Ortego, M.I.; Egozcue, J.J., (2019), Compositional data techniques for the analysis of the container traffic share in a multi-port region, European Transport Research Review, Vol. 11, num, 1m  p. 1-15.

Feng, H.; Grifoll, M.; Zheng, P., (2019), From a feeder port to a hub port: the evolution pathways, dynamics and perspectives of Ningbo-Zhoushan port (China), Transport policy, Vol. 76, p. 21-35.

Medina-Tapia, M.; Robuste, F., (2019), Implementation of connected and autonomous vehicles in cities could have neutral effects on the total travel time costs: modeling and analysis for a circular city, Sustainability, Vol. 11, num. 2, p. 1-18.



Grifoll, M.; Karlis, T.; Ortego, M.I., (2018), Characterizing the evolution of the container traffic share in the mediterranean sea using hierarchical clustering, Journal of marine science and engineering, Vol. 6, num. 4, p. 1-14.

Estrada, M.; Campos, J.M.; Robuste, F., (2018), Night deliveries and carrier-led consolidation strategies to improve urban goods distribution, Transport (Vilnius. Spausdinta), Vol. 33, num. 4, p. 930-947.

Martínez-Díaz, M.; Soriguera, F.; Pérez Pérez, I., (2018), Technology: a necessary but not sufficient condition for future personal mobility, Sustainability, Vol. 10, num. 11, p. 1-24.

Martínez-Díaz, M.; Soriguera, F.; Pérez Pérez, I., (2018), Autonomous driving: a bird's eye view, IET intelligent transport systems, p. 1-17.

Regalado, F.; Campos, J.M., (2018), An approximation to technical efficiency in Spanish toll roads through a DEA approach, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 33, p. 386-393.

Medina-Tapia, M.; Robuste, F., (2018), Exploring paradigm shift impacts in urban mobility: autonomous vehicles and smart cities, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 33, p. 203-210.

Mestres, M.; Cerralbo, P.; Grifoll, M.; Sierra, J.P.; Espino, M., (2018), Modelling assessment of the tidal stream resource in the Ria of Ferrol (NW Spain) using a year-long simulation, Renewable energy, Vol. 131, p. 811-817.

Grifoll, M.; Martinez, F. J.; Castells, M., (2018), Potential economic benefits of using a weather ship routing system at Short Sea Shipping, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, Vol. 17, num. 2, p. 195-211.

Grifoll, M.; Martorell, L.; Castells, M.; Martinez, F. J., (2018), Ship weather routing using pathfinding algorithms: the case of Barcelona – Palma de Mallorca, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 33, p. 299-306.

Martínez, M.; Soriguera, F., (2018), Autonomous vehicles: theoretical and practical challenges, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 33, p. 275-282.

Sala, M.; Soriguera, F., (2018), Freeway lane-changing: some empirical findings, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 33, p. 107-114.

Soriguera, F.; Casado, V.; Jimenez, E., (2018), A simulation model for public bike-sharing systems, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 33, p. 139-146.

Robuste, F., (2018); Transportation networks design, Ciencia, ingenierías y aplicaciones, Vol. 1, num. 1, p. 73-74.

Salanova, J.; Estrada, M., (2018); Modeling framework for comparing taxi operational modes: case study in Barcelona, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 33, p. 59-66.



Salanova, J.; Estrada, M., (2017) Social optimal shifts and fares for the Barcelona taxi sector, Transport policy, DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2017.12.007.

Estrada, M.; Campos, J.M., (2017), Estratègies de distribució de mercaderies per fomentar una mobilitat més sostenible, Revista Papers, num. 59, p. 114-128.

Lopez, L.; Guillén, J.; Palanques, A.; Grifoll, M., (2017), Seasonal sediment dynamics on the Barcelona inner shelf (NW Mediterranean): a small Mediterranean river- and wave-dominated systemContinental shelf research, Vol. 145, p. 80-94.

Estrada, M.; Roca-Riu, M., (2017) Stakeholder’s profitability of carrier-led consolidation strategies in urban goods distribution, Transportation research. Part E, logistics and transportation review, Vol. 104, p. 165-188.

Grifoll, M.; Martinez, F. J., (2017), A ship routing system applied at short sea distancesJournal of maritime research, Vol. 13, num. 2, p. 3-6. 

Soriguera, F.; Martínez, I.; Sala, M.; Menéndez, M., (2017), Effects of low speed limits on freeway traffic flow, Transportation research. Part C, emerging technologies, Vol. 77, p. 257-274.


Campos, J.M.; Martinez, A., (2016), Determining the potential benefits for the freight carriage by road in Spain facing an increase in vehicles GVM 40 to 44 tons, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 18, p. 328-331.

Pérez Díez, F.; Campos, J.M.; Cabrerizo Sinca, J., (2016), Stage of historical evolution of private vehicle ownership in the city of Barcelona, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 18, p. 140-147.

Cabrerizo Sinca, J.; Campos, J.M.; Pérez Díez, F., (2016), Methodological analysis about the potential avoidability of motor vehicles against pedestrians in urban areas, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 18, p. 127-134.

Badia, H.; Estrada, M.; Robuste, F., (2016), Bus network structure and mobility pattern: a monocentric analytical approach on a grid street layout, Transportation research. Part B: methodological, Vol. 93, num. Part A, p. 37-56.

Estrada, M.; Mension, J.; Aymamí, J.; Torres, L., (2016), Bus control strategies in corridors with signalized intersections, Transportation research. Part C, emerging tecnologies, Vol. 71, p. 500-520.

Cerralbo, P.; Espino, M.; Grifoll, M., (2016), Modeling circulation patterns induced by spatial cross-shore wind variability in a small-size coastal embayment, Ocean modelling, Vol. 104, p. 84-98.

Maciejewski, M.; Salanova, J.; Bischoff, J.; Estrada, M., (2016), Large-scale microscopic simulation of taxi services: Berlin and Barcelona case studies, Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computin, Vol. 7, num. 3, p. 385-393.

Soriguera, F., (2016), Estimación del valor de la información del tiempo de viaje en autopista, Carreteras (Madrid. 1982), num. 206, p. 6-19.

Mestres, M.; Grifoll, M.; Sanchez-arcilla, A., (2016), Analysis of current intensification in the NorthWest Mediterranean Shelf, Continental shelf research, Vol. 114, p. 29-40.

Grifoll, M.; Navarro, J.; Pallares, E.; Rafols, L.; Espino, M.; Palomares, A., (2016), Ocean-atmosphere-wave characterisation of a wind jet (Ebro shelf, NW Mediterranean Sea), Nonlinear processes in geophysics, Vol. 23, num. 3, p. 143-158.

Plana, J.; Soriguera, F.; Hegyi, A., (2016), Effects of dynamic speed limits on a Dutch freeway, Transportation research record, Vol. 2560, p. 87-96.

Soriguera, F.; Miralles, E., (2016), Driver feedback mobile app, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 18, p. 264-271.

Soriguera, F.; Martínez, M.; Pérez Pérez, I., (2016), Highway travel time information system based on cumulative count curves and new tracking technologies, Transportation research procedia, Vol. 18, p. 44-50.



Soriguera, F.; Sala, M.; Martínez, I., (2015), Nuevos datos de tráfico en autopista con límites de velocidad variable, Carreteras (Madrid. 1982), num. 203, p. 34-49.

Campos, J.M., (2015), Las Redes de plataformas logísticas intermodales como elementos para la mejora del transporte integral de mercancías, Transporte Integral, num. 15, p. 10-11.

Robuste, F., (2015), La investigación y la formación en ingeniería del transporte en España, Revista de obras públicas, Vol. 162, num. 3566, p. 101-106.

Roca-Riu, M.; Fernandez, E.; Estrada, M., (2015), Parking slot assignment for urban distribution: models and formulations, Omega: the international journal of management science, Vol. 57, num. B, p. 157-175.

Estrada, M.; Robuste, F., (2015), Stopover and hub-and-spoke shipment strategies in less-than-truckload carriers, Transportation research. Part E, logistics and transportation review, Vol. 76, p. 108-121.


Soriguera, F., (2014), On the value of highway travel time information systems, Transportation research. Part A, Policy and practice, Vol. 70, p. 294-310.

Soriguera, F.; Sala, M., (2014), Freeway lab: testing dynamic speed limits, Procedia - Social and behavioral sciences, Vol. 160, p. 35-44.

Torne, J.; Ramoneda, D.; Soriguera, F., (2014), Empirical evidences of dynamic speed limit impact on a metropolitan freeway, Procedia - Social and behavioral sciences, Vol. 162, p. 80-89.

Morillo Carbonell, C.; Campos, J.M., (2014), On-street illegal parking costs in urban areas, Procedia - Social and behavioral sciences, Vol. 160, p. 342-351.

Robuste, F., (2014), Smart city logistics, Carreteras (Madrid. 1982), Vol. 4, num. 194, p. 65-79.

Campos, J.M., (2014), Las plataformas logísticas de distribución urbana de mercancías: un elemento de desarrollo y regulación del transporte de mercancías en las ciudades, Transporte Integral, num. 12, p. 10-11.

Torne, J.; Soriguera, F.; Geroliminis, N., (2014), On the consistency of freeway macroscopic merging models, Transportation research record, num. 2422, p. 34-41.

Badia, H.; Estrada, M.; Robuste, F., (2014), Competitive transit network design in cities with radial street patterns, Transportation research. Part B: methodological, Vol. 59, p. 161-181.


Salanova, J.; Estrada, M.; Mitsakis, E.; Stamos, I., (2013), Agent based modeling for simulation of taxi services, Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Vol. 1, num. 2, p. 159-168.

Turro, M., (2013), Infraestructuras en una época de crisis, Catalunya Empresarial, num. 243, p. 30.

Campos, J.M., (2013), Las redes de plataformas logísticas intermodales como elementos para la mejora de la logística del transporte integral de mercancías,  Transporte Integral, num. 11, p. 4-5.

Campos, J.M., (2013), Descripción funcional de la distribución urbana de mercancías , Transporte Integral, Vol. 1, num. 10, p. 8-9.

Soriguera, F.; Robuste, F., (2013), Freeway travel-time information: design and real-time performance using spot-speed methods, IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation Systems, Vol. 14, num. 2, p. 731-742.

Soriguera, F., (2013), Estimación del tiempo de viaje en autopista mediante fusion de datos, Carreteras (Madrid. 1982), Vol. 188, p. 26-40.

Turro, M., (2013), Il coordinamento indispensabile tra i due paesi nelle infrastrutture dei trasporti, AREL la rivista, num. 3/2013, p. 78-81.

Soriguera, F.; Torne, J.; Rosas, D., (2013), Assessment of dynamic speed limit management on metropolitan freeways, Journal of intelligent transportation systems: technology, planning, and operations, Vol. 17, num. 1, p. 78-90.


Fernández-Barceló, I.; Campos, J.M., (2012), Estimate of social and environmental costs for the urban distribution of goods: practical case for the city of Barcelona,  Procedia - Social and behavioral sciences, Vol. 39, p. 818-830

Roca-Riu, M.; Estrada, M.; Trapote, C., (2012), The design of interurban bus networks in city centers, Transportation research. Part A, general, Vol. 46, num. 8, p. 1153-1165.

Morales, P.; Sauri, S.; Lago, A., (2012), Potential freight distribution improvements using motorways of the sea, Journal of transport geography, Vol. 24, p. 1-11.

Soriguera, F., (2012), Deriving traffic flow patterns from historical data, Journal of transportation engineering (ASCE), Vol. 138, num. 12, p. 1430-1441.

Sauri, S.; Robuste, F., (2012), Promoting incentives: performance improvement in container port terminals, Transportation science, Vol. 46, num. 2, p. 233-246..

Estrada, M.; Robuste, F.; Badia, H.; Amat, J.; Barcelo, J., (2012), Optimal length of transit network with traffic performance microsimulation: application to Barcelona, Spain, Transportation research record, num. 2276, p. 9-16.



Soriguera, F.; Robuste, F., (2011), Requiem for freeway travel time estimation methods based on blind speed interpolations between point measurements, IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation Systems, Vol. 12, num. 1, p. 291-297.

Criado, Ò.; Sanchez, M.; Robuste, F., (2011), Influence of value of time on profitability of railway projects: theoretical formulation and case study, Transportation research record,
num. 2261, p. 86-94.

Sanchez, M.; Robuste, F.; Criado, Ò., (2011), High-speed railways in spain: example of success?, Transportation research record, num. 2261, p. 39-48.

Soriguera, F.; Robuste, F., (2011), Estimation of traffic stream space-mean speed from time agregations of double loop detector data, Transportation research. Part C, emerging tecnologies, Vol. 19, num. 1, p. 115-129.


Soriguera, F.; López, À.; Torday, A., (2010), Com resoldre les congestions de trànsit a Catalunya?, InfoTrànsit, num. 2, p. 30-31.

Sanchez, M.; Nash, C.; Abrantes, P.; Lopez, A., (2010), Rail access charges and the competitiveness of high speed trains, Transport policy, Vol. 17, num. 2, p. 102-109.

Sanchez, M.; Lopez, A., (2010), Impact of rail infrastructure charges on the competitiveness of high speed services, RTR: European rail technology review, Vol. 50, num. 1, p. 6-10.

Soriguera, F.; Rosas, D.; Robuste, F., (2010), Travel Time Measurement in Closed Toll Highways, Transportation research. Part B: methodological, Vol. 44, num. 10, p. 1242-1267.



Sanchez, M.; Lopez, A., (2009), Impacto de los cánones en la competitividad del ferrocarril de alta velocidad, Revista técnica de los ferrocarriles (RTR Spain edition), p. 6-10.

Robuste, F.; Soriguera, F., (2009), Highway travel time accurate measurement and short-term prediction using multiple data sources, Transportmetrica, Vol. 7, num. 1, p. 85-109.